Erosion control techniques are employed to prevent or control soil loss and potential water pollution in land development, agricultural activities and construction. These techniques may be applicable in a wide range of settings such as agricultural areas, wetlands and other natural areas, or roadways, urban townships and cities.
Erosion considerations are a major component of stormwater plans and runoff management programs required by one or more regulatory agencies. The most common form of control or remediation is placement of physical barriers. These can include, e.g. rock walls or selected vegetation that is designed to absorb the energy of the water or wind that would otherwise have an erosional effect.
Depending upon the phase of your project, different techniques may be more suitable. For example, during construction sediment controls are often a requirement and in these instances silt fences and sediment basins are a common choice. In other instances mulching, hydroseeding, fiber rolls or buffer strips may be superior alternatives.
Your project approval may require the presence of ongoing erosion control techniques.
In these instances any walls or barriers erected during construction may continue to be part of the plan. Choices for long term erosion control can include, e.g. re-vegetation, crop rotation, strip farming, terracing, perennial crops or plants, permanent walls, contour plowing and conservation tillage.
Erosion control may or may not be a component of the project you are planning. Give us a call and we will be glad to talk with you and explain how erosion considerations may impact your project and the typical short and long term soil stabilization techniques used for what you have planned.