California Storm Water Compliance is getting even harder with a new revision to the Construction General Permit underway. CA SWPPP compliance in California is already the most stringent in the Nation, so much so that the EPA defers to California standards over their own when reviewing projects in California. Why the changes? Some changes to the 2009-009 DWQ or Construction General Permit, will tighten the reigns down on some gaps in the system.
Changes are currently not available for public review, but word has it they are coming. A representative from the Regional Water Control Board, recently shared that the Board is conducting an internal review and feasibility study to finalize the changes we are all soon to see.
If you think the changes that came with the 2009-09 were tough and are finally settled in, brace yourself for more.
California SWPPP regulation currently requires any project over 1 acre in size to have a Construction General Permit, along with the Permit Application, a Qualified SWPPP Developer must write and design a SWPPP that is project specific based on Risk. A Qualified SWPPP Practitioner must then inspect the project per the CGP to ensure no violations occur throughout the project construction. Qualified SWPPP Practitioners (QSP’s) are authorized to make necessary changes to the SWPPP in the field as conditions dictate, but changes must be recorded and reported to the Regional Water Quality Control Board through their online SMARTs system.
As Qualified SWPPP Developers and Qualified SWPPP Practitioners, Compliance Solutions Inc. is up to date and always looking out for the best interests of our clients. Be sure that we will be reviewing the new changes and helping our clients continue to get through the red tape of environmental regulation as always.