Best Management Practices relate in Storm Water Compliance to the Clean Water Act. Every construction project regardless of whether it requires a General Construction Permit for Storm Water Compliance or not, requires implementation of Best Management Practices. Also known as BMPs, Best Management Practices are actions that keep your project from impacting Environmental Resources, specifically water quality. BMPs are structural controls that when installed correctly, reduce the amount of storm water discharge as well as improve the quality of the storm water discharge that leaves you site.
The following are examples of BMPs:
- Onsite Ponding Basins
- Contractor Washouts
- Trackout Control
- Silt Fence
- Straw Wattle
- Erosion Control Blanketing
- Storm Water Drain Inlet Protection Bags
- Hydroseeding
- Geo-technical fabric
The Regional Water Quality Control Board requires that all sites implement BMPs and record their implementation on a Water Pollution Control Drawing, also known as a WPCD. The WPCD is often what is required for submittal when applying for your local City or County grading permits. WPCDs are drawn by a storm water QSD or QSP. This project construction map of Best Management Practices shows the location of Storm Drain Inlets, adjacent sensitive resources such as streams or watercourses, and identifies specifically what BMPs shall be implemented and in what location.
BMPs are often implemented in different locations as a project progresses. Grading may require a rock trackout for ingress and egress to a project, silt fence around the perimeter and dust control, while after a project is paved, BMPs such as storm drain inlet protection or landscaping may be needed as construction of buildings and storm drain systems are developed.
It is important to design a project specific to your site. Find a professional in sediment and erosion control, make sure they visit your site and know your specific project needs. Use the Best Management Practices that protect your site well and make the most sense.