It’s rare that your project will only require one environmental permit. More typically, several are required and, in the instance of a manufacturing or production facility the necessary permits may number in the dozens.
It’s rare that your project will only require one environmental permit. More typically, several are required and, in the instance of a manufacturing or production facility the necessary permits may number in the dozens.
A Biological Assessment is a component of EIR and EIS reports in accordance with NEPA and CEQA. Its purpose is to determine if your project activities “may affect” any protected listed plant or animal species native to your geographic location.
California’s complex environmental regulatory structure is a fact of life. Today, an environmental consultant is just as necessary for your project’s success as engineering, heavy equipment and hard hats.
We started the business in 2007 and we’re confident our environmental consulting model would succeed.
This confidence stemmed from our belief that we had a winning plan that not only served our clients well but also provided a qualitative advantage when compared to our competitors. And, it’s worked.
These are the four primary elements of our success:
Beginning with the founder’s BS in biological sciences and a host of subsequent environmentally-related courses from UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and San Francisco State, we have added an in-house and external pool of talent with exceptional scientific, educational, and technical qualifications.
We are intimately familiar with the difficult and often emotionally charged environmental tug of war that exists in California’s central valley.
We have strong relationships on both sides of these issues and have been very successful in drawing a balance that has allowed our clients to obtain the go-ahead for their projects while simultaneously satisfying the various regulatory interests.
As experienced environmental consultants, we have worked for both state and local government environmental agencies and understand their mindset and how, in practical terms, to get things done.
With that knowledge and a Rolodex of contacts, we launched Compliance Solutions to represent developers, landowners, and others seeking to initiate projects that are impacted by environmental laws and regulations.
We are very proud of our ability to navigate this minefield of competing interests and thereby serve both our client’s interests as well as responsibly doing our part to protect California’s natural wonders.
We want to be price competitive and to achieve that our business plan right from the beginning has been to minimize overheads and other indirect costs.
We believe our fee structure, when viewed in terms of capability vs. price, is unmatched.